Of movies contd..

Read Arghya's sequel to my previous post here.
Agree with him on several counts - Definitely about Clockwork Orange, one of those movies I could not proceed beyond 10 min (if I cannot get interested in the first 10 min in a movie, I cannot get much further beyond); another in that league is Memento. Agree more so on the snobs about the camera angles and obscure references - these are interesting points, agreed. A movie with a different screenplay is definitely worth watching - the chronologically non-linear ones are my personal favourites (Pulp Fiction), so are technically sound movies. Different camera angles are interesting too (a recent good movie I watched was Anjaathey); however it should be remembered that these are only supplemental to the storyline itself. The plot itself is a hygiene factor, everything else is just to glide the story along. If the plot and the screenplay aint captivating enough, it takes a lot of patience to appreciate the other aspects.


Dhananjay said…
Did you like Gajjani?
Asha @ FSK said…
i like Memento actually :)

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