Thissa time itsa officialle.

Yes, it's official. After several rounds of 'should I, shouldn't I', I have finally decided to take the plunge. Here I am, one of the several million people who are of the (conceited?) opinion that their thoughts are important enough for other several million people in the world to care about, and take some time off from their busy schedule (I couldn't help using that phrase) to read about them. In case you haven't got it yet, I am talking about my decision to enter the blogging sphere. Here goes my first post to prove it.

I am not sure what are the reasons why people blog. I haven't really thought about it, and someone somewhere must have been jobless enough to investigate this and prepare a list of 'top 10 reasons why people blog'. Let me give you my thought process. Initially I thought it was a cool thing to do. Then, I was beyond caring about being cool. Then, I have been reading a lot of books recently; and I see different writing styles and seem to like every one of them. That set me wondering, what kind of a writer will I be? Will my writing be fluid enough? Will people enjoy reading it? That thought was an irritant mother dragging her reluctant toddler (me) to school (blogsphere). Wasn't pushy enough. Yesterday clinched it for me. Been thinking about the multitude of things that I seem to do be doing, and was like I am not creating anything. Nothing tangible, nothing that is meaningful, nothing that makes a difference to anyone's life. I wanted to do something (anything at all) that I am not obliged to do. Something I can do out of my own volition, something I can do whenever I want to, something I can choose not to if I don't feel upto it.

I am not under any illusion that this blog is going to make a difference to anybody's life. It is possibly one of those things that has caught my fancy at the moment and has a limited shelf life. On the other hand, I might enjoy it a lot. Either ways, I am giving it a shot.

So what am I going to blog about? As the name suggests, it will be mostly gibberish. As to the etymology of the name - as a late blogger, it is not easy to find something of your fancy that is available. And definitely not for someone whose creative part of the brain is retarded. Over the several months that I have been thinking of this, I have come up with several names most of which I do not remember. I did try some of them, they were not available. Something I liked, I let a friend borrow - that was the reluctant blogger. This title is a 'creative' variation of the title o one of Douglas Adams' books - Mostly harmless.

So long, and thanks for all the fish! Happy reading!


Amritha said…
all the best! (CORNY I KNOW)
Dhananjay said…
All the best
Hopefully the time for the next post will be less then the time spend in deciding "To blog or not to blog is the Q"

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