Postmen to track inflation at grass-root level

Heard on radio today that postmen in India are entrusted with a new responsibility - to track prices of items at the consumer level across the country, to gather data to assess the real impact of inflation in the country.

Innovative, I say!


Dhananjay said…
And what do they do with the data? How will the information help in curbing the inflation?
Vidya Venkat said…

The information is used by the Statistics Office to get correct information. It is only to gather information, not to act upon it.
Dhananjay said…
But Vid, whether inflation is at 12% or 11% or 10% for that matter anything over 4% is a cause of concern right. So why waste time and effort in getting the information about the exact percentage of inflation?
Sounds like one of the many pointless exercises governments indulge in like the mission to moon

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