
Showing posts from December, 2023

Christmas Day 2023

Christmas this year was a bit of a non-event. We didn't have any holiday travel planned (thank you peak time pricing), and with my impending travel back home, we are in the get-ready-for-a-six-week single- adult household mood. I love a good Hallmark holiday movie as much as the next person, but I am feeling a sort of ennui from the in-your-face holiday celebratory mood that makes me rebellious against the festive spirit. There is a random "I am not excited for festivals from my religion, why should I be excited for Christmas" mood in the mix as well.  I woke up this morning at 3 am (random general anxiety) and found it really difficult to fall asleep. I read that the 3 am thing was real and there is a link to elevated cortisol (stress hormone) levels and the body thinking it is time to wake up earlier than it should. Sleep finally hit at 7:30 and wound up sleeping the additional three hours afterward.  We had a relaxed day - cooked lunch, ate together as a family, and wo...